Welcome to Wait & See Records, an Australian based label with international aspirations! The aim of the label is to support emerging artists and help get their amazing music out to the public. This label has been established because of the difficulty new and emerging (and even established) artists have in penetrating traditional record labels (hence the name - just you... 'Wait & See'). Wait & See does not own any of the music in the way of traditional labels - the artist maintains total rights to their music. But we will look for talented, original and motivated artists with great songs, who believe in the dream to establish themselves as recognised musicians. In turn, we will support them through online promotions, advice and label events. This is a very simple strategy, set up by musicians for musicians. Whilst the initial goal is to support singer songwriters that can tell interesting stories through music, there is no real limits to genre if the ability to tell stories stands strong. So keep an eye on the label, support our website and social media pages and most of all, our artists!